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"Rhythmics and dance"

Rhythmics and dance - this is the first step in x dance classes, which begins training in the Exemplary Dance Theater "Levenya". This is an extremely important stage, because in addition to musical hearing and the ability to move to music, rhythmic classes develop memory, mobility, emotionality, artistry, creative imagination and the ability to improvise.

The purpose of rhythmics is to develop a sense of rhythm and the ability to connect movement with music. We have children from 4 years old. Classes are designed for 3 years of study and therefore are built "in a spiral" - that is, gradually become more complicated as musical material and movement-rhythmic exercises. In the first half of the year, children perform all tasks standing in a circle. After a simple warm-up, the basic movements for the development of flexibility, inversion and stretching are added. The basics of "Gymnastics on the floor" are taught in the form of games - the exercises "frog", "fish", "basket", "dolphin", "airplane" and others are available to 4-5-year-old children. Much attention is paid to musical games. Each game has certain tasks and is aimed at developing certain skills. When children have studied the material well, the tasks become more difficult. Collective-ordinal exercises, adjustments in a line, columns are added, dance steps on a circle and a diagonal are studied. The simplest dance steps are introduced. A simple dance is studied.

In the second year of study, collective-order and gymnastic exercises are complicated. We still pay a lot of attention to music games, but rhythmic tasks become more complicated. Children learn to perform simple dance combinations. Another important stage is the ability to work in a team. It is necessary to keep rulers, to be able to be reconstructed from one drawing to another. Dance is also studied, understandable and interesting to children of a certain age.

The third year is a transition from rhythmics to more serious dancing. All the sections studied in previous years are preserved, but gymnastic exercises become more complicated, the musical tempo accelerates, a change of rhythm is added, and more dance movements and combinations are studied.

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