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    Folk dance -  it is one of the oldest and most popular arts in which  reflects the social and aesthetic ideas of the people, its history, life, traditions.  There is a dance  conveys the worldview of the people, his  idea of beauty. The main thing in folk dance is the reflection of reality by means of "dance language", which  is accessible and understandable to the people. Each nation has its own unique and unique color, which is unique to this area.  study of movements, steps, running, various dance combinations based on folk dances. Such exercises prepare the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems for further work.  A very important result of proper choreography  parenting in an ensemble is the ability to work in a team. It is a feeling of collective responsibility, when everyone tries to perform one or another movement as accurately and in "character" as possible  so as not to "let down" the teacher and the whole team, because the overall result depends on everyone.

 "Folk dance"

  The repertoire of ensembles of the Creative Association "Lion" is  dances of different peoples of the world, but   specially         we pay attention to folk dances of different regions of Ukraine.

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