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"Gymnastics on the floor"

Children in "Levenya" start doing floor gymnastics from the first days, first in the form of simple exercises for flexibility and stretching. This subject is not taken out in a separate lesson, but it is part of the first "Rhythmics", and then a lesson of classical dance. In classes, the child learns about himself, reveals his physical capabilities, which will be needed in further development. Thanks to the system and set of exercises with each lesson the child becomes more interesting and easier to perform physically complex exercises.

Ground floor exercises are important for posture formation; to strengthen muscles; for the formation of the musculoskeletal system; for the development of the respiratory system; for the development of certain motor skills and abilities (strength, flexibility, coordination, agility, endurance); on the development of the psyche (attention, intelligence, orientation in space and time); development of musical qualities. Exercises are performed by students on the floor independently, without additional external efforts. During relaxation exercises in the supine position, students rest. Active exercises on the floor free students from the work, both physical and nervous, that a person feels in an upright position. Therefore, passive and active exercises on the floor create the maximum conditions for the child's attention to focus on their feelings and teach to consciously control the muscles.


Parterre gymnastics gives children initial choreographic training, development of natural physical data, forms the basic motor qualities and skills necessary for successful mastering of classical, national-stage, modern and other directions of dances.

The program is designed for 5 years of study, but the elements of ground floor training are preserved in subsequent classes.

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