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"Classical dance"

All genres of choreography - including folk and modern dance, to some extent use elements of classical dance. It is a system of movements designed to make the body disciplined, mobile and beautiful. Classical dance is the basis of choreography, it is the foundation on which all types of stage dance are based. Its basics are so universal that in whatever style the dancer specializes in the future, he must start with the classics.

Regular training sessions are a prerequisite for creative success of the team. Without these classes, limited to work on the repertoire, you can not achieve high dance technique, expressive performance. The lack of training exercises, first of all, affects the technique of execution: the movements of Ruktantsurists will be monotonous, restrained, devoid of expressiveness. To master high performing skills you need to learn and master the classical school.

The direction of classical dance can be called the pinnacle of choreography. Posture of arms, legs, body, muscle strength and expressiveness of movements - if in any dance school do not teach the basics of classical dance - it's anything but choreography. Without the skills of the basics of classical dance, neither beauty, nor the correctness of dance movements, nor the grace of dance performance are possible.

Classical dance influences the formation of stage culture, the means of classical training contribute to the formation of performing skills.

Our students start doing classics at the age of 9-10.

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